Useful Resources
(for developing the Prerequisites (mindfulness/awareness) that directly impact your ability to sense and use the energy field)

The Untethered Soul is a great introduction book to the observer and being present. The first part of the book introducing the subject presents it in an eloquent and easy to grasp format.

Stillness Speaks is my favorite book on the subject. It's a short book, and every sentence is profound. Often I would read two or three sentences and have to put it down to digest the wisdom that was just presented.

Useful Resources
(for developing the Prerequisites (mindfulness/awareness) that directly impact your ability to sense and use the energy field)

The Untethered Soul is a great introduction book to the observer and being present. The first part of the book introducing the subject presents it in an eloquent and easy to grasp format.

Stillness Speaks is my favorite book on the subject. It's a short book, and every sentence is profound. Often I would read two or three sentences and have to put it down to digest the wisdom that was just presented.

The Landmark Forum is still the most powerful seminar I've ever attended for how linguistics can shift our energy state. The last day of the seminar was also the first time I've experienced prolonged presence in my life.

The Transformational Gate is a weekend seminar with Network Spinal Analysis (NSA) bodywork that attunes us to the different intelligences that organize our body and the field around us. There is also an optional Monday seminar called the energetic experience. It was at my second gate and first energetic experience that my ability to feel the field opened up. I am currently in my second year of the AlchemE mentoring program designed to study energetics and mentoring others.

Meditation is a free and simple way to improve awareness and your baseline level of conscious. The meditation can be guided, silent or with music/sound. The key is that you get to hone your ability to observe. You don't necessarily have to be sitting upright.

Network Spinal Analysis involves gentle touches to the spine that helps increase a person's awareness, flexibility and ability to process stuck energy and trauma. In Orlando, I've been going to my friend Dominick D'anna since 2016, and it has helped me tremendously.